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Home Exchange  >  Canada  >  Canada - British Columbia

Matches found:

Max. Number of Guests : 4
Bedrooms : 3
Bathrooms : 2.0
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ID: 1251101229583
Destination wanted: Hawaii, Florida, California, Vancouver/Canada, Europe
Max. Number of Guests : 4
Bedrooms : 2
Bathrooms : 1.0
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ID: 1357188230266
Destination wanted: Okanagan August 2013
Max. Number of Guests : 4
Bedrooms : 3
Bathrooms : 2.0
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ID: 1278563467961
Destination wanted: Anywhere except Canada :)

Would like to go somewhere over Christmas (Dec 18th - Jan 2) If you're wanting to be here longer, we can tell you where to stay that is insanely affordable.

Or, we would like to go somewhere in the month of May. Europe preferably. If interested, please email

Max. Number of Guests : 5
Bedrooms : 3
Bathrooms : 1.5
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ID: 1195924749049
Destination wanted: Florida or California for 3 weeks in March or Europe for the summer (2010 onwards)
Max. Number of Guests : 4
Bedrooms : 2
Bathrooms : 1.0
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ID: 1279145606721
Destination wanted: Flexible! Looking for exchange for vacation purposes. Mexico, USA, Europe
Max. Number of Guests : 6
Bedrooms : 2
Bathrooms : 1.5
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ID: 1264643874636
Destination wanted: We are looking to swap in san diego around the end of august, and hawaii anytime!!
Max. Number of Guests : 2
Bedrooms : 1
Bathrooms : 1.0
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ID: 1277814968346
Destination wanted: Tel Aviv, Israel
Max. Number of Guests : 6
Bedrooms : 3
Bathrooms : 2.5
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ID: 1249088043081
Destination wanted: all destinations considered
Max. Number of Guests : 4
Bedrooms : 1
Bathrooms : 2.0
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ID: 1248303448735
Destination wanted: Mojacar, Spain. Netal, Brazil,
Max. Number of Guests : 6
Bedrooms : 4
Bathrooms : 2.0
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ID: 1274992703489
Destination wanted: Anything, we are open to all options
Max. Number of Guests : 4
Bedrooms : 2
Bathrooms : 2.0
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Average Price: 100.00 CAN$ / daily
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ID: 1225035587667
Destination wanted:
Max. Number of Guests : 4
Bedrooms : 4
Bathrooms : 4.0
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ID: 1247949898254
Destination wanted: Close to Vancouver
Max. Number of Guests : 5
Bedrooms : 3
Bathrooms : 3.0
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ID: 1246934050351
Destination wanted: Edmonton AB
Max. Number of Guests : 4
Bedrooms : 2
Bathrooms : 2.5
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ID: 1246923388214
Destination wanted: Australia, New Zealand, Florida, worm climate, open to all offers.

Long term only -- min 3 months. Prefer october to May
Max. Number of Guests : 6
Bedrooms : 4
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ID: 1246607585912
Destination wanted: Open to anywhere but specifically would like to visit the UK or Ireland.
Max. Number of Guests : 6
Bedrooms : 3
Bathrooms : 3.0
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ID: 1246260803453
Destination wanted: ireland or italy or anywhere
Max. Number of Guests : 6
Bedrooms : 1
Bathrooms : 1.0
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Average Price: 3,266.67 - 4,900.00 USD / weekly
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ID: 1242666584026
Destination wanted:
Max. Number of Guests : 8
Bedrooms : 4
Bathrooms : 2.5
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ID: 1273112296028
Destination wanted: France, Hawaii, Italy
Max. Number of Guests : 4
Bedrooms : 2
Bathrooms : 2.0
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ID: 1245006203638
Destination wanted: Summer 2013: Prague, United Kingdom, open to other European destinations
Max. Number of Guests : 6
Bedrooms : 5
Bathrooms : 3.0
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ID: 1244934401280
Destination wanted: Anywhere! Give us a try, we want to go somewhere different.

Total number of records: 761

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Hi there from sunny Brunswick Heads, Australia

Have had a successful change to Alaska in '09 through your site and have another arranged for Nova Scotia later this year. Plus I am hosting someone from Reunion Island in April - all through your free site. Excellent!

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