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Vacation Rentals  >  United States  >  United States - Illinois

Vacation Rentals Description and Attractions:
Listing ID: 1173721872241
Category: Vacation Rentals
Type: Apartment
Country: United States
Region: United States - Illinois
City: Chicago
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 Furnished apartments are a unique and affordable alternative to hotels by providing the spaciousness, comfort and conveniences of a home, and at a lower nightly cost than a hotel room. Our apartments are stylishly furnished in an urban contemporary design created especially for us. We combine the magic of our locations with the ease of having a true “home away from home”, making a stay with us the ideal and easy choice to make when traveling.

Our rates for vacation rentals start at:


$2200per month
$115 per night for 3-6 nights booking
$100 per night for 7-15 nights
$85 per night for 16-30 nights

$2500 per month
$135 per night for 3 - 6 nights booking
$125 per night for 7-15 nights
$115 per night for 16-30 nights

$2800 per month
$200 per night for 3-6 nights booking
$180 per night for 7-15 nights
$160 per night for 16-30 nights

Rates are based on up to 2 persons occupancy with no additional sleeping arrangements. Check in 4 pm, check out 12pm.

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Vacation Rentals  >  United States  >  United States - Illinois

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