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Vacation Rentals  >  Thailand  >  Thailand

Vacation Rentals Description and Attractions:
Listing ID: 1173733546391
Category: Vacation Rentals
Type: Villa
Country: Thailand
Region: Thailand
City: Muang
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Baan Oriental is your dream luxury holiday villa in Krabi, Thailand. Our spacious 3 bedroom villa is your home away from home. It has all the amenities you would expect from a 5-star resort for a fraction of the cost.

The 3400 sq foot (340 sqm) villa is nestled in a 16,000 sq foot (1600 sqm) garden and is located in a quiet enclave, thereby ensuring our guests privacy and relaxation. Ao Nang beach is just 3km away. Baan Oriental is designed for friends and family who wish to holiday together - privately and peacefully. Our stunning Mediterranean-styled villa can comfortably accommodate up to 10 people.

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Vacation Rentals  >  Thailand  >  Thailand

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