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Vacation Rentals  >  Spain  >  Spain - Asturias

Vacation Rentals Description and Attractions:
Listing ID: 1104349431613
Category: Vacation Rentals
Type: Apartment
Country: Spain
Region: Spain - Asturias
City: San román-Piloña
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Our house is located in the heart of Asturias in the village of San Roman, in the county of Piloña, 3 km far from the small town of Infiesto.

A construction based on the traditional Asturian architecture. The house was built using exclusively environment-friendly materials: thermo-clay, ceramic, wood and stone.

In its spacious living dining room you will enjoy good moments reading by the heat of chimney. You will also dispose of a full-equipped kitchen for you to prepare dinners in unforgettable evenings.
We have put a sofa bed, in case you are a large family. Two double rooms, one of them with double bed, to make the night become rest, or let your dreams fly to unimaginable territories.
The houses are completed with a spacious bathroom and a porch with splendid views.
Language of communication: Spanish
Prices 2005.
High Season:
15/07 to 31/08
Easter Holiday, Bank Holiday.
82 euros/day + 7% IVA(VAT)

Medium Season
01/07 to 15/07
01/09 to 15/09
66 euros/day + 7% IVA(VAT)

Low Season
Rest of the year
60 euros/day
+ 7% IVA(VAT)

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Vacation Rentals  >  Spain  >  Spain - Asturias

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