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Vacation Rentals  >  Morocco  >  Morocco

Vacation Rentals Description and Attractions:
Listing ID: 1106541397114
Category: Vacation Rentals
Type: Villa
Country: Morocco
Region: Morocco
City: Marrakech
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The villa Harryson merges Oriental tradition and modern aspect:
- Contemporary architecture.
- Refined decoration coupled with modern comfort.
- Stylish Moroccan furniture and vibrant orientalist paintings.
- Fine traditional materials (tadelakt, beijmat, carved doors etc...).
- A spacious lounge under sculptured stuccos and beijmat of a traditional
- A dining room opening on to the lounge and swimming pool.
- A roof top terrace with sun-loungers.
- A large Berber tent fitted out as a living room.
- All comfort bedrooms and suites with their own terraces.
- A traditional Oriental hammam (steam room) as well as the possibility to have a Moroccan massage by a professional at any time of the day.

Language of communication: French, English
Prices start from €150 per day.

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Vacation Rentals  >  Morocco  >  Morocco

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