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Vacation Rentals  >  Italy  >  Italy - Marche

Vacation Rentals Description and Attractions:
Listing ID: 1174415006889
Category: Vacation Rentals
Type: Farmhouse
Country: Italy
Region: Italy - Marche
City: Ortezzano
Nearest Metropolitan Area:
San Benedetto del Tronto Km35
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Ortezzano is a small village in the river Aso valley with rich environmental value and it’s only 20 minutes far from the Adriatic Sea and the Mountain Sibillini National Park.
The Holiday Farm is not far from the village and in the middle of a big farm in which organic cultivation is above all dedicated to vineyards and orchards. Some years ago the owners, Geremia and Mariella and their children, decided to restore one of the three old farmhouses present in their farm. They built the Holiday Farm “La Casa degli Gnomi” (Gnomes’ House) rebuilding the house by means of conservative restoration but also using modern technologies to heat the rooms.
It is possible to lodge in different apartments with different sizes but all with kitchen, bedrooms and bathroom. There are wooden beams floors and almost all are furnished with antiques. There is also a big swimming pool.
The holiday Farm has an agreement with the Restaurant “La Rosa dei Venti” in Ortezzano old town center. This restaurant is present in the Restaurant Guides “Il Gambero Rosso” and “Osterie d’Italia”.

Language of communication: ITALIANO FRANCESE INGLESE
Max. Number of Guests: 27 Bedrooms: 11 Bathrooms: 7.0

Vacation Rentals Prices:
from Apr 1    to Jun 30   450.00 € / daily
from Jun 30    to Jul 21   620.00 € / daily
from Jul 21    to Aug 25   700.00 € / daily
from Aug 25    to Sep 8   620.00 € / daily
from Sep 8    to Dec 31   450.00 € / daily
The price is for apartment with a kitchen, a bathroom with shower and 2 double rooms.

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More Vacation Rentals Info:
Vacation Rentals Features:
  • Garden
  • Refrigerator
  • Swimming pool
  • Television
  • Fishing
  • Horseback riding
  • Near attractions
Other Conditions:
  • Handicapped Accessible

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Vacation Rentals  >  Italy  >  Italy - Marche

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