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Vacation Rentals  >  Iceland  >  Iceland

Vacation Rentals Description and Attractions:
Listing ID: 1239894240116
Category: Vacation Rentals
Type: House
Country: Iceland
Region: Iceland
City: Hafnarfjordur
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An old friendly house on two floors and with a private garden. The house is 110 sqm. and includes all necessary equipments, flat screen, PC, internet connection, DVD, toys for kids, Playstation and lots more. As well there is a gas heated grill in the garden.

The house is located in an old quiet area in central Hafnarfjordur, which a town with 23.000 inhabitants. Hafnarfjordur is located 12 kilometers from the center of Reykjavik.
Language of communication: english, danish, norwegian

Max. Number of Guests: 5 Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 1.0

Vacation Rentals Prices:
from May 22    to Aug 30   110.00 € / daily
from May 22    to Aug 30   650.00 € / weekly

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Vacation Rentals  >  Iceland  >  Iceland

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