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Vacation Rentals  >  Cuba  >  Cuba

Vacation Rentals Description and Attractions:
Listing ID: 1108756695754
Category: Vacation Rentals
Type: Villa
Country: Cuba
Region: Cuba
City: Havanna
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We invite you to indulge and relax in a private Villa of the roaring thirties. Let loose from yor daily stress back home and breathe the hot caribbean air soaked with passion and charme. The newly refurbished home meets all expectations of the discerning travelers and its personalised service makes it even more unique. The villla is situated a 8 minutes drive from old Havana in the prestigious residential suburb of Playa-Miramar, surrounded by sumptuos villas and gardens. We offer three en suite bedroom which can be booked einther separately or all together.
However , the most inspiring section of villa "EL YDALGO" certainly is the tropical garden and patio with its incredible variety of plants. Even the colibris feel home, sipping the flowers nectar during the mild evenings.

The Villa is situated a stone throw away from Triton rockery beach where you will enyoy the warm atlantic water and the nearby touristic center with the Luxurious hotel Comodoro, Havanna Melia, Chateou.

In the neighbourhood may also enjoy Hemingway Marina indulge a yacht excursion.The world ´s famous Tropicana Cabaret is also located in the same area, should you a variety of classy "Paladares" restaurant are easy to reach in walkin distance.

The Villa EL YDALGO offers personalised sevice, total tranquility and distinguished ambiente, international standrd en suite room a beautifully art-deco furnished,air condition, flutly towels, fresh flowers, turn dawn for the night, secure off street parking and private garage.Car rental arrengement thraught Cubacar.

Language of communication: Spanish, English

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Vacation Rentals  >  Cuba  >  Cuba

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