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Vacation Rentals  >  Brazil  >  Brazil - Bahia

Vacation Rentals Description and Attractions:
Listing ID: 1203104939282
Category: Vacation Rentals
Type: Beach House
Country: Brazil
Region: Brazil - Bahia
City: Trancoso
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Sitio Paraiso

Located near the juncture of Rio da Barra, and the Atlantic in Trancoso, some 25km south of Porto Seguro, in the Brazilian state of Bahia, about 16° south latitude.

Sitio Paraiso is a lovely tropical retreat, private and secluded, yet in the heart of one of the favorite tourist destinations in Brazil. Its grounds are 300 meters from the beach, a short walk over footbridges through mangroves to a palapa on the beach, where you can enjoy the cool breezes off the Atlantic, or stroll over to the mouth of Rio da Barra, and take cocktails at the casual bar on the point between the beach and the lagoon there. Hang gliders and paragliders ply the cliffs to the north when the wind comes up, and occasional fishermen and skindiving tours work the reefs a couple hundred meters offshore. A 2 km walk down the beach is the charming and historical town of Trancoso, and a short drive away, you’ll find the art colony of Arrial d’Ajuda, and historical Porto Seguro.
You’ll be staying in our newly finished and decorated two story home, furnished with comfort in mind. Air conditioned, it has a comfortable, spacious master suite upstairs, with its own bathroom with shower, TV, queen sized bed and covered native wood verandas to take in the vista of the tropical environment, the Atlantic and afternoon breezes. Downstairs is the modern kitchen, dining area, living room, bathroom with Jacuzzi, bedroom with two beds, and entry and more shaded verandas.
Recommended occupancy- two adults and two children.

How to get here:
Secure airline passage from Sao Paolo to Porto Seguro, about a 1˝ hour flight, served by TAM and Gol airlines.
From the airport, head through town to the ferries on the south side of town, then across the river, and south through Arrial d’Ajuda, taking the road inland a short way to where it connects with BA001. Go south about 15 km to the turnoff for Trancoso, then east about 1 km to the town of Trancoso. Head north through town to the coast road, and look for the sigh for Terravista. Take this road about 3 km, to the turn in the road with the two coconut palms in the middle of the road, and the guard shack on the right. You can inquire in the guard shack for the house of Augusto, or just proceed 100 m farther on the coast road to the small road on your right, then proceed 500 m to the entrance to Sitio Paraiso, at the bridge on your left.
Max. Number of Guests: 2 Bedrooms: 1 Bathrooms: 1.0

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Vacation Rentals  >  Brazil  >  Brazil - Bahia

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