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Vacation Rentals  >  Brazil  >  Brazil - Rio de Janeiro

Vacation Rentals Description and Attractions:
Listing ID: 1172148163841
Category: Vacation Rentals
Type: Villa
Country: Brazil
Region: Brazil - Rio de Janeiro
City: Paraty
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Wonderful house located in the historical centre of Paraty, only few steps to the sea and boat pier (trips to the hundreds island and beaches). House can comfortably host 7 people in four bedrooms. There are also three bathrooms with shower, a largest living room open to an inside garden, all appliances kitchen.
Paraty (Paradise) is a beautiful colonial city, considered a National Historical Monument: it preserves until today its countless natural and architectural charms. The colonial housing, totally preserved, is reserved to pedestrians only (vehicles are prohibited). During the day, and even more at night, there are a lot of options such as art studios, shows, concerts and a theatre, aside the excellent gastronomy of the region

Max. Number of Guests: 8 Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 3.0

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More Vacation Rentals Info:
Additional information:
Closest major cities:
The house is in the centre of Paraty

Proximity to major attractions:
Beaches: 100 mt

Closest major airport:
Paraty: 3 km
Rio de Janeiro: 240 km
Vacation Rentals Features:
  • Microwave
  • Patio
  • Refrigerator
  • Television
  • Cinemas
  • Galleries/Museums
  • Near attractions
  • Surfing

Page Views
21 this month
39 this year
1920 since listed

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Vacation Rentals  >  Brazil  >  Brazil - Rio de Janeiro

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