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Homestay  >  United States  >  United States - California

Homestay Description and Attractions:
Listing ID: 1164075600509
Category: Homestay
Type: House
Country: United States
Region: United States - California
City: Oxnard
Nearest Metropolitan Area:
Los Angeles 45 min./Santa Barbara 30 min.
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Homestay in California

We provide a Quality safe comfortable modern homestay with modern accommodations. This means large spacious rooms, indoor laundry facilities, Kitchen and living room. In this quality American homestay, you will have an option of your own private room or
shared room furnished with a bed, study desk, mirrored closets, dresser, Wireless Internet, cable television, and shared bathroom. Nothing is more satisfying than the peace and comfort that comes from relaxing in your own home that is beautifully decorated and is in close proximity to ESL Schools, Colleges and Universities. The location of our homestay is 45 minutes from Los Angeles and 30 minutes from Santa Barbara and five minutes from the local beach.
Language of communication: English
Shared Room:
Shared room with another guest of the same gender.
Room includes 2 single beds, 2 mirrored closet, 2 study desks and cable television.
Homestay 4 weeks - 35.USD each night per person.

Private Room:
Room includes 1 queen size bed, 1 large study desk, 1 large 3-panel closet, high speed Internet and cable television.
Homestay 4 weeks - 50.USD each night per person

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Homestay  >  United States  >  United States - California

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