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Homestay  >  Korea  >  Korea, South

Homestay Description and Attractions:
Listing ID: 1263557289781
Category: Homestay
Type: Apartment
Country: Korea
Region: Korea, South
City: Seoul
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Hi. I'm looking for a FEMALE guest who is going to stay LONG TERM. Our place is in northeast seoul. I live with my sister and my mother. My family is very quiet. We prerfered a quiet, decent female. Also we respect guest's privacy. We don't bother you when you are in your room. we have 1 cosy, small room for guest. You can use high speed internet, cable TV, desk, single bed, bookcase, closet in your own room comforatably. We have 1 cat and 1 piano. you can play it. Use bathroom with my family. There is small park next to our apartment. So you can feel very fresh, clean air and cool air in summer. You can learn korean if you want. Your korean is getting better cuz my family only speak korean.

Please email me instaed of posting message on the board. I can't see that.

15 minutes away to subwaystaion by walk. (5 minuets by bus)
10 minutes away to duksung womens' university by walk
5 minutes away to sunduck high school by walk
1 minutes away to sungmi enementary school by walk
30 minutes away to seoul english vilage(suyu campus) by wak
15 minutes away to bukhan mountain national park by bus
15 dobong mountain national park by bus
20 minutes away to myung-dong by subway
20 minutes away to kwangwoon university by subway
30 minutes away to hankuk university of foreign studies by subway
40 minutes away to kyung hee university by subway.
40 minutes away to korea university by bus

-No smoking in home.
-No pet in home cuz my cat hates any other pets. They could
-Payment should be made in advance.
-Only cash(KRW, USD, JPY)is acceptable.(JPY 55,000, USD 600, KRW
660,000- Monthly).
-Breakfast(bread & milk & coffee & some fruits) is included in
the price.
-Kimpo Air port pick-up : JPY 1,000, USD 10, KRW10,000(by subway)
-Incheon Air port pick-up : JPY4,500 USD50 KRW57,000
-Plus 50% surcharge for each additional person a day. (USD15-
USD30/A day) (JPY1,500-3,000/a day) (KRW 15,000-30,000/a day)

Language of communication: English korean
Max. Number of Guests: 1 Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2.0

Homestay Prices:
from Jan 1    to Dec 31   600.00 US$ / monthly

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More Homestay Info:
Homestay Features:
  • Cable TV
  • Deck
  • Elevator/lift
  • High speed internet
  • Microwave
  • Refrigerator
  • Television
  • Washer
  • Hiking
  • Mountain view
Other Conditions:
  • Gay/Lesbian friendly
  • No Children
  • No Pets
  • No Smoking

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8 this month
27 this year
3886 since listed

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Homestay  >  Korea  >  Korea, South

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