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Homestay  >  Germany  >  Germany - Berlin

Homestay Description and Attractions:
Listing ID: 1222354331219
Category: Homestay
Type: N/A
Country: Germany
Region: Germany - Berlin
City: Berlin
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Bonjour tout le monde. My name is My, I am 16 yo. and i live in Germany. My parents are from Vietnam. Now I am in the 10th grade of a grammer school near Berlin. I would like to spend a year abroad, exactly in France. I would like to improve my French skills (3years at school) and of course I would like to know more about the culture. So, I am searching for families, who would host me for one or a half year. Please contact me if you can help me. Thank you so much.
Language of communication: German, Vietnamese (both mother tongues), English, French
Max. Number of Guests: 2

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More Homestay Info:
Homestay Features:
Other Conditions:
  • Children welcome
  • Gay/Lesbian friendly
  • Pets welcome
  • This is a Second Home

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8 this month
112 this year
2965 since listed

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Homestay  >  Germany  >  Germany - Berlin

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