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Homestay  >  Ecuador  >  Ecuador

Homestay Description and Attractions:
Listing ID: 1276981507393
Category: Homestay
Type: House
Country: Ecuador
Region: Ecuador
City: Quito
Nearest Metropolitan Area:
our home is in the El Quinche
Nearest Major Airport:
60 km
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I had heard about the pilgrimage to “El Quinche”, I read that it is a traditional event that happens every year around November 21st for the past 420 years. Every year about half million people walk to El Quinche, a town located in the north-eastern side of Quito from four different points (Pifo, Sangolqui, Calderón and Cayambe). They walk around 5-8 hours. I had heard that is one of the biggest faith demonstrations of religious faith in Ecuador. I had never been there until this Saturday, when I realized the magnitude of the event.

On Saturday afternoon, I was talking with my uncle (44) and cousin (12). They planned to walk to the sacred village of El Quinche that night. It was my cousin’s first time and I joined the plan at the last minute to share this experience with him. I am a mountaineer, and more than faith I think about preparing properly to achieve this goal. I took hot tea, walking sticks and headlamps for all of us. Chocolate and granola bars, a first aid kit, a thermal blanket, extra jackets and gloves, etc. I was not going to leave this one to faith alone.

Everything started when I arrived to the meeting point in Carapungo (north of Quito), I could’t believe it. There were 2 km of an 8 lane highway filled with people. Most of them were in groups. There were groups of highschool kids, families, colleagues, etc. Some groups were carrying these huge “radios grabadoras” (boomboxes) and were drinking wine and alcohol. A typical contradiction of the Catholic faith if you ask me.

There were people of all ages: old ladies wearing skirts, hip-hop guys, heavy rock guys, 10 year old kids that seemed to be walking alone. The youngest I saw were a 2/3 month old babies carried by their mothers in a blanket. In the street, there were people selling shoes, insoles, gloves, hats, band-aids, flashlights, batteries, water, wine (I don´t know how they were selling 1 liter of wine in $0,75), cigarettes, alcohol and food.

We started walking around 21h45 (9:45 PM) and for the first mile I was still shocked looking at so many people sourrounding me. The noise of the boomboxes mixed with the vendors’ megaphones selling their stuff, and the peoplechatting.
more information
Language of communication: we a spanish in our home
Max. Number of Guests: 2 Bedrooms: 2 Bathrooms: 2.0

Homestay Prices:
from Feb 1    to May 31   18.00 US$ / daily
from Jun 1    to Dec 31   20.00 US$ / daily

Homestay (single room, 3 meals a day, laundry services) 4 weeks: US$ 450
Airport $15 pickup

I have a 3 cabain furnished for a 3 person each ane is a very confortable

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More Homestay Info:
Additional information:
Our house is brick and wood and have a living room, dining room and kitchen, garage, for your use. Our neighbourhood is tranquil
our live in the valley of Tumbaco in a quiet village near to quito by 60km
Located just 70 minutes from the International Airport "Mariscal Sucre"
There is easy, close access to bus stops and taxi service is at the door (an inexpensive service here) Local calls are free -phone cards can be used for international phone calls and
calls to a mobile phone.
About Homestay Owners/Managers :
We are a nice family of 6, concerned with the well being of our guests. Our daughter is 6 years old . We have 1,friendly dog.
We will treat you as part of our
my only brother live in the house
only sleep because work in all day
wainting for us
Homestay Features:
  • Cable TV
  • High speed internet
  • Microwave
  • Patio
  • Radio
  • Telephone
  • Television
  • Biking
  • Boating
  • Bowling
  • Cinemas
  • Fishing
  • Galleries/Museums
  • Kayaking
  • Mountain view
  • Mountain-Biking
  • Near attractions
  • Public Swimming Pool
  • Tennis
Other Conditions:
  • Children welcome
  • Experienced home exchanger
  • No Children
  • No Smoking
  • Pets welcome

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5 this month
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1758 since listed

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Homestay  >  Ecuador  >  Ecuador

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