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Homestay  >  Ecuador  >  Ecuador

Homestay Description and Attractions:
Listing ID: 1196803708746
Category: Homestay
Type: House
Country: Ecuador
Region: Ecuador
City: Quito
Nearest Metropolitan Area:
Nearest Major Airport:
Aeropuerto Mariscal Sucre
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If our Clientes or volunteers need accommodation with local Host Family, Volunteer House, Apartment furnished, Spanish classes, Airport Pickup, Orientation in the City and Volunteer Placement, we can help to coordinate these services

We offer these services so that our volunteers feel safe in our country, can adapt more easily and will not need to worry about organizing these services.

Down below are listed the costs of our optional services per month. Of course, you have the possibility to stay longer than that and can calculate the costs according to the time period you want to stay.
Language of communication: English and Spanish
Max. Number of Guests: 8 Bedrooms: 6 Bathrooms: 2.5

Homestay (single room, 3 meals a day, laundry services) 4 weeks: US$ 420

Apartment furnished ( kitchen, living room, bathroom) sharing with other three people, 4 weeks: US$ 160 single room.

Volunteer-House (single room, 3 meals a day, laundry services) 4 weeks: US$ 390

Spanish classes
The Spanish classes are one on one.
20 hours of Spanish classes: US$ 120
40 hours of Spanish classes: US$ 230
60 hours of Spanish classes: US$ 330
80 hours of Spanish classes: US$ 420

Airport Pickup: US$ 15

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More Homestay Info:
Homestay Features:
  • Dvd
  • High speed internet
  • Radio
  • Telephone
  • Television
  • Cinemas
  • Galleries/Museums
Other Conditions:
  • Children welcome
  • Experienced home exchanger

Page Views
8 this month
94 this year
1936 since listed

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Homestay  >  Ecuador  >  Ecuador

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