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Homestay  >  Belarus  >  Belarus

Homestay Description and Attractions:
Listing ID: 1352905096278
Category: Homestay
Type: Apartment
Country: Belarus
Region: Belarus
City: Gomel
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Apartment, two rooms. One is free. lake behind the house. And just one more thing. Next few stops. Many grocery stores and more. Museums, historic park. first largest after Minsk. Known for its agricultural equipment. And much more. The apartment had three, I, my husband, young daughter, a small dog and a cat.I cut the tree, a little paint, write poetry and songs. Doing photography. I could teach what ever you or your children. Hudozhestvinnye pictures do you and your children. You can try to cut so we can offer to visit this village with a Russian stove, and the Russian village bath. I think you can spend a good time.We do not drink alcohol, no drugs. If you smoke you can smoke on the balcony.
Language of communication: italiano,russo,englesh
Max. Number of Guests: 4 Bedrooms: 2 Bathrooms: 1.0

If you buy food, we prepare it will cost 3 euros per day. If you want that we bought and cooked foods you what it will cost 8 euros per day. I cut the tree, a little paint, write poetry and songs. Doing photography. I could teach what ever you or your children. Hudozhestvinnye pictures do you and your children. You can try to cut so we can offer to visit this village with a Russian stove, and the Russian village bath. I think you can spend a good time.We do not drink alcohol, no drugs. If you smoke you can smoke on the balcony.If you buy food and cook it yourself for free :) STAY FREE.

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More Homestay Info:
Additional information:
I would be glad if if someone from Italy can give me an invitation to Italy, because of its long dream to visit, or one or a small child. I can pay you for this service as much as you say within reason. And you have to stay one month or one month to live in the family of an elderly couple, I dream to visit them, but because they are older and out of the village, they can not make me an invitation. So I'm looking for help here. The same can not offer live with us in the apartment or on the simultaneous exchange, or in the future visit. In the spare room has a large balcony, a TV, as I can Dovan to Use the Internet and the phone if needed. Can accommodate up to 3 people, for example a family with a child. We have a free couch mess up, and convenient and the clamshell. We have a cat and a small dog, I'm a husband and young daughter. I'm not working, raising a young daughter. Husband at work. I am always at home, and I can show around town. Normally know Italian. English is very small. Write and let us find the options at any time of year. Have a nice day.
Homestay Features:
  • Cable TV
  • Dvd
  • Elevator/lift
  • High speed internet
  • Microwave
  • Radio
  • Refrigerator
  • Telephone
  • Television
  • VCR
  • Washer
  • Bowling
  • Cinemas
  • Close to bus/train
  • Fishing
  • Galleries/Museums
  • Horseback riding
  • Near attractions
  • Other Attractions
Other Conditions:
  • Children welcome
  • Handicapped Accessible
  • No Pets
  • Non-Simultaneous Exchange OK


Bathroom, toilet


Page Views
4 this month
26 this year
1661 since listed

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Homestay  >  Belarus  >  Belarus

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