Here are some information about the cottage in Lofsdalen, Härjedalen. The distance from Stockholm is 520 km and 650 km from Gothenburg. In the cottage there are 3 bedrooms, one with a double bed and 2 rooms with bunk beds, altogether room for 6 people. The kitchen is very well equipped with everything you need for cooking and even baking. You find a cooler with a small freeze compartment, a full-size oven and a dishwasher. The kitchen and the living room are together and there you find an open fire and cable-tv. The bathroom has a sauna. Outside the house there is a veranda that is overbuilt and from the house you have a beautiful view over the Lofsenlake about 1 km from the cottage and the mountains on the other side of the lake. There are mountains right behind the cottage as well. 1,5 km from the house you find a small village with a well-equipped food shop, restaurant, pizzeria, pub, tourist information-centre, tennis-court, mini-golf, and beach. Lofsdalen is a good place for hiking in the mountains, fishing, swimming, canoeing, mountain biking, looking for berries and so on. The tourist centre arranges tours for hiking, fishing, looking for bear houses, rent out boats, canoes and more. Mail me for more photos.