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Home Exchange  >  Greece  >  Greece - Dodecanese (South Aegean)

Home Exchange Description and Attractions:
Listing ID: 1174067168050
Category: Home Exchange
Type: Houseboat
Country: Greece
Region: Greece - Dodecanese (South Aegean)
City: Rhodes, Greece
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Beneteau Oceanis 510 Clipper

Vessel Data and description

Oceanis 510 is 13.5 metres long and displace 14 tons wwa (without wine aboard). Her 100 sq. mts. of sail can push her to 8 knots or more when surfing. The spinnaker is 170 sq. mts. and gives a lot of emotions as well as work. Swan’s typical companionway is horizontal and gives access to the main living area. The woodwork is impeccable, of semi-satinated teak. The lay-out is classic: navigation area to starboard, the galley to port and the saloon in front of the mast. The front cabin has plenty of storage room, a huge double bed and a private companionway. The aft cabin has a single and a double bed, and is warm and luminous. The heads, with warm shower, are very wide for its category. Originnally designed for the Members of New York Yacht, it did not take much to win many races at Cowes. As in the first whitbread, where a Swans arrived 1st, 3rd and 4th, a series boat was calling the shots. All thanks to the legendary hands of Rod Stephens mingled with the proverbial finnish seriousness. As the same Nautor says, “no one can afford to build a boat under S&S specifications any more….”
Language of communication: English, italian, French, Russian, Croatian, Spanish
Max. Number of Guests: 6 Bedrooms: 5 Bathrooms: 5.0

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Additional information:
Cadeau is a classic Swan 44, designed by Sparkmann and Stephens, intact in its style and with just few modifications (double beds in each cabin, improved teak interiors, full optional and top class upholstery) to the original design. To the legendary superb way of sailing, Cadeau add of her own the safety of experience. She is one of the few Swans to round Cape Horn 3 times, and a long list of enthusiast guests reference her cruises in Alaska, the Caribbean, Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego, Brasil and Chile. Cadeau cruised between parallel 60 North and 56 South, with an immaculate record for safety in the worst waters of the world. Cadeau has her pictures on magazines, her name on newly surveyed patagonian channels, her voyages in some of the best memories of guests from Usa, Canada, Germany, England, Spain, Argentina, New Zealand, Italy and Belgium. Cruising in Cadeau means Italian cotton linen, first class gourmet dishes and glasses, 24 hours service, personalized itineraries. Cadeau always cruises a single party only, be it a couple or a family. No one else to share your plans and desires. If it is safe, we go when and where you want.
Home Exchange Features:
  • Deck
  • Radio
  • Refrigerator
  • Satellite TV
  • Telephone
  • Biking
  • Boating
  • Cinemas
  • Close to bus/train
  • Fishing
  • Galleries/Museums
  • Golf
  • Hiking
  • Horseback riding
  • Jet Skiing
  • Kayaking
  • Mountain view
  • Mountain-Biking
  • Ocean view
  • Sailing
  • Skiing
  • Snorkeling/Diving
  • Surfing
  • Tennis
  • Wildlife Viewing
Other Conditions:
  • Children welcome
  • No Pets

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2684 since listed

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Home Exchange  >  Greece  >  Greece - Dodecanese (South Aegean)

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