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Home Exchange  >  France  >  France - Auvergne

Home Exchange Description and Attractions:
Listing ID: 1282261520795
Category: Home Exchange
Type: Apartment
Country: France
Region: France - Auvergne
City: Clermont Ferrand
Nearest Major Airport:
lyon 250km
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Let me introduce myself : my name is Raphael, I‘m 21 and I'm looking for exchanging my room during 4 to 6 months with someone living in UK or another English-speaking country.
I live in Clermont-Ferrand, a study's town located in the center of France: Auvergne is a beautiful area for people who want discover France's way of living!
I'm living in a flat that I share with 2 girls and one boy: one of the girl is German. We have a big flat in the center of the town, 130m², it's really pleasant to live in!
If you’re still reading, maybe you are interesting in my offer: but what is it in fact?
This year, there was not enough place for me in the studies I chose, so I have decide to spend part of the year in UK to improve my speaking and I would like to find someone who wants to live in France for a while between October 2010 to May 2011. I could let you my bedroom in my flat and you will let me yours. (roommates or family I’m open ! )
Biggest advantages are that we have some contacts in the new country, and we both have a place to live in for free! =)
If you are interested in my offer, or need more informations, just send me a e-mail. I will answer you with pleasure,
I hope to hear from you soon!
Language of communication: francais, anglais, allemand
Max. Number of Guests: 1 Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 1.0

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Home Exchange  >  France  >  France - Auvergne

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