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Home Exchange  >  Canada  >  Canada - Nova Scotia

Home Exchange Description and Attractions:
Listing ID: 1372513720752
Category: Home Exchange
Type: Townhouse
Country: Canada
Region: Canada - Nova Scotia
City: Dartmouth
Nearest Metropolitan Area:
Halifax, over the bridge
Nearest Major Airport:
Halifax International Airport
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On main bus route, walkinG distance to mall, beach, and nature trail for hikers with bike trails. Food store is about 20 minute walk. Propery has patio, with BBQ and garden. The Fortress of Louisbourg is a National Historic Site of Canada and the location of a one-quarter partial reconstruction of an 18th-century French fortress at Louisbourg on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. Peggys Cove is a small rural community located on the eastern shore of St. Margarets Bay in Nova Scotia's Halifax Regional Municipality, which is famous for the Peggys Point Lighthouse. Fort George is a National Historic Site of Canada in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada and was established during Father Le Loutre's War to protect the protestant settlers against raids by the French, Acadians, and Wabanaki Confederacy.
Language of communication: English
Max. Number of Guests: 6 Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 1.5

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More Home Exchange Info:
Destination wanted:
Caribbean, Spain or any where on the Mediterranean Sea, Iceland, Nertherlands, open to suggestions
About Home Exchange Owners :
50+ couple who love to travel & scuba dive, with no expectations equal no disapointments
Home Exchange Features:
  • Cable TV
  • Dishwasher
  • Dryer
  • Dvd
  • Garden
  • High speed internet
  • Microwave
  • Patio
  • Radio
  • Refrigerator
  • Telephone
  • Television
  • VCR
  • Washer
  • Biking
  • Boating
  • Cinemas
  • Close to bus/train
  • Galleries/Museums
  • Hiking
  • Horseback riding
  • Kayaking
  • Near attractions
  • Sailing
  • Snorkeling/Diving
  • Surfing
Other Conditions:
  • Gay/Lesbian friendly
  • No Pets
  • No Smoking

Living room

bedroom #1

Page Views
8 this month
91 this year
1374 since listed

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Home Exchange  >  Canada  >  Canada - Nova Scotia

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