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Travel to Cuba

Browse listings of  Home Exchange, Vacation RentalsB&B, Homestay (furnished apartments, villas, cottages, condos, farmhouses and other types of accommodations) of Cuba:

Rentals Home Exchange Bed and Breakfast Homestay

Last Minute Tips Before you Travel to Cuba

  • Time ZoneGMT/UTC -5 (USA Eastern Standard Time)
  • Electricity: 110/220V, 60 Hz (bring an adapter/transformer for your hair drier, laptop, cellullar phone etc.)
  • Weights & measures: Metric

Must See - Properties on UNESCO World Heritage List

  • Old Havana and its Fortifications
  • Trinidad and the Valley de los Ingenios
  • San Pedro de la Roca Castle, Santiago de Cuba
  • Viñales Valley
  • Desembarco del Granma National Park
  • Archaeological Landscape of the First Coffee Plantations in the Southeast of Cuba
  • Alejandro de Humboldt National Park


Caribbean, island between the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, 150 km south of Key West, Florida


11,087,330 (July 2011 est.)

Cuba consists of 14 provinces (provincias, singular - provincia) and 1 special municipality* (municipio especial)

Camaguey, Ciego de Avila, Cienfuegos, Ciudad de La Habana, Granma, Guantanamo, Holguin, Isla de la Juventud*, La Habana, Las Tunas, Matanzas, Pinar del Rio, Sancti Spiritus, Santiago de Cuba, Villa Clara

tropical; moderated by trade winds; dry season (November to April); rainy season (May to October)

Ethnic groups
white 65.1%, mulatto and mestizo 24.8%, black 10.1% (2002 census)

nominally 85% Roman Catholic prior to CASTRO assuming power; Protestants, Jehovah's Witnesses, Jews, and Santeria are also represented

Spanish (official)

Government type
Communist state

The native Amerindian population of Cuba began to decline after the European discovery of the island by Christopher COLUMBUS in 1492 and following its development as a Spanish colony during the next several centuries. Large numbers of African slaves were imported to work the coffee and sugar plantations, and Havana became the launching point for the annual treasure fleets bound for Spain from Mexico and Peru. Spanish rule eventually provoked an independence movement and occasional rebellions that were harshly suppressed. US intervention during the Spanish-American War in 1898 assisted the Cubans in overthrowing Spanish rule. The Treaty of Paris established Cuban independence from the US in 1902 after which the island experienced a string of governments mostly dominated by the military and corrupt politicians. Fidel CASTRO led a rebel army to victory in 1959; his iron rule held the subsequent regime together for nearly five decades. He stepped down as president in February 2008 in favor of his younger brother Raul CASTRO. Cuba's Communist revolution, with Soviet support, was exported throughout Latin America and Africa during the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. The country faced a severe economic downturn in 1990 following the withdrawal of former Soviet subsidies worth $4 billion to $6 billion annually. Cuba at times portrays the US embargo, in place since 1961, as the source if its difficulties. Illicit migration to the US - using homemade rafts, alien smugglers, air flights, or via the southwest border - is a continuing problem. The US Coast Guard intercepted 982 individuals attempting to cross the Straits of Florida in fiscal year 2009.

Cuba Travel and Accommodation – Your Tips for Travelers

If you would like to share your experiences of traveling to Cuba or to any other country, please send us your article and we will gladly post it at this website.

My visit to Cuba   by Teresa Szefler

Disclaimer: Although we have tried to make the information on this website as accurate as possible, some of the facts may not be accurate, or may have recently changed. We do not accept any responsibility for any loss, injury or inconvenience suffered by anyone resulting from this information. You should verify important information with the relevant authorities before traveling.


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